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After losing his hearing, Beethoven discovered that by attaching a metal rod to his piano and biting down on it during performance, he could perceive sound clearly via vibrations transmitted through his jawbone, a phenomenon known as bone conduction.
The province of Quebec implemented a ban on advertisements targeting children under the age of 13 for toys and fast food products, which subsequently led to a decline in childhood obesity rates.
An Icelandic custom referred to as jólabókaflóð involves exchanging books as Christmas Eve gifts, followed by a night dedicated to reading these books while consuming chocolate.
Michael Jackson desired to own the rights to Spider-Man so intensely that he tried to purchase Marvel Comics.
Tigers are capable of seeking retribution against individuals or groups that have harmed them, and their reputation for exacting vengeance is well-established as one of the most notable in the animal kingdom.
Christopher Columbus was imprisoned in Spain following his return from Hispaniola due to allegations of improper treatment towards the indigenous people of the island.
The province of Quebec implemented a ban on advertisements targeting children under the age of 13 for toys and fast food products, which subsequently led to a decline in childhood obesity rates.
It is prohibited under German legislation to dispute the occurrence of the Holocaust, with violators facing potential penalties of up to five years' imprisonment.
CVS Pharmacy discontinued the sale of tobacco products in 2014, resulting in a loss of over $1 billion in revenue, as part of an initiative to prioritize public health.
Charles Darwin retrieved a 5-year-old tortoise, subsequently named Harriet, from the Galapagos Islands; this same tortoise was later acquired by Steve Irwin's ownership. Harriet eventually passed away in 2006 at the age of 176.
The Catholic Church has acknowledged the compatibility of Darwinian evolution with Christian teachings since the year 1950.
A covert team of Detroit police officers disguised as drug sellers attempted to apprehend a separate covert unit of law enforcement personnel impersonating drug purchasers.
A monument in Georgia provides guidance in eight languages for rebuilding society following a hypothetical catastrophic event, while simultaneously serving as a navigational tool, timekeeper, and scheduling device.
Since Uber's launch in New York City around 2011, there has been a reduction of 25-35% in the number of vehicle collisions linked to alcohol consumption across all five boroughs.
In 2009, Stephen Hawking hosted an open party without initially advertising the event, revealing it only afterwards, effectively concealing it from everyone except potential time-travelers who might have known about it; predictably, no attendees arrived.

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